
Friday, December 20, 2013

Potential New Blog Logo/Button/Thingee - Or Boy I Could Use A Designer

It is obvious from looking at my blog template that I really need to step it up.  I graduated long before the internet was available outside of the computer lab in college (back when fortran was a big computer programming language). HTML was just not part of my schooling.  Apparently now I need to learn.  A lot. I need to learn a lot and there is a lot to learn.

I thought I should come up with a button or image or something to represent my blog.  Just thinking about what that might be made my head hurt.  Nothing a glass of wine couldn't fix.  But still.

Then I read a bunch of information from a ton of different sites and well, got really confused.  I still do not know what I am doing or what I want.  But, I did pull out my Silhouette Studio, that is the software that runs my Silhouette Cameo cutting machine, and essentially started to doodle.  Apparently Adobe Illustrator is the thing to have.  I have never been in the "with it" crowd.  I tend to do things, how shall we say, differently.

But with all that said I came up with these.

I just cannot get the face correct on the second one. So maybe it is a cat looking away from me.  On the first one the tail is too far away from the body and the face still isn't quite right.

My thought on making these designs was to represent several of the things I blog about which include growing plants (especially food), cooking, and crafts.  Hence the plant sprig, scissors, and chef hat.  The cat reference should go without mentioning. I hope it is obvious.

I cannot draw at all so I am pretty impressed with myself on my line drawings.  Not sure if I am going to use these or not.   They may still evolve.  Like the plant sprig is just not right.  I would like an actual plant but am not sure how to do that and keep it simple enough.

Then there is the whole color thing verses black and white.  And this is why I could use a designer.

Oh, and using my Silhouette Studio, there is no way to save the file as anything other than a Silhouette file which is annoying (and an unnecessary limitation on an otherwise superb product).  So I had to take a screen shot (ctl-print screen), paste the image into paint, crop around the part of the screen shot I wanted, then save it somewhere (as a PNG, GIF, or JPEG).  At least I still remember how to use paint!

If you have any suggestions or comments or are a designer, PLEASE send them my way.

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Pinterest.

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Showoff Weekend Blog Party; Serenity Saturday


  1. Saying Hi from the #bloghop! I'm a graphic designer and keeping it simple is usually best with a logo. I wouldn't mind adding color for you in photoshop.

  2. I like it :) totally cool! I used Janine ( when I did my upgrade. She's awesome!!

  3. The stuff written in the blogs have allured me!!! Dylan - ButtonBoy
